What is Rush?
For the first week of every semester, Alpha Epsilon Pi holds a Rush in which we actively search for men who can add to the legacy that is AEPi. Rush is a time period in the beginning of each semester when everyone is welcome to come out to fun events to meet the brothers of our fraternity. It is an opportunity for you to get to know the brothers and for us to get to know you. Rushing a fraternity is not an obligation to join, but just an opportunity for you to come out and have a good time. Are you interested in becoming part of this legacy? If you would like to get more information on rush, please fill out the Rush Recommendation Form.
Q: How do I Rush?
We hold rush twice a year, once at the beginning of fall semester (August) and once more in the middle of spring semester (January). Simply come out to events, meet brothers and see for yourself what being in AEΠ is all about! Rush is open to all undergraduate students at San Diego State.
Q: Does it cost anything to rush?
Absolutely not. You are our guest and we're here to make you feel welcome and provide you with an awesome experience.
Q: If I rush, am I committed to pledging?
Rushing AEΠ does NOT mean you are committed to pledging. Of course, should we offer you a bid to pledge we would be delighted if you accepted, but in the end it's completely your decision.
Q: Does AEPi haze?
A: Absolutely not! In the late sixties and early seventies fraternities used to haze. However, when deaths occurred due to hazing, and college students would not stand for it, the practice disappeared.
Nationally, we are a non-hazing fraternity, and our chapter takes this very seriously. Risk management issues aside, we believe that hazing creates a negative atmosphere that ultimately defeats our goals of inspiring new members, fostering friendships, and creating great brothers. There is nothing accomplished through hazing that cannot be achieved though other more positive means.
As part of our pledge program, you are required to sign a contract agreeing that you will not allow yourself to be hazed, and that you will report any hazing that you see.
To read more about our hazing policy Click Here.
Q: What if I can’t afford to pay dues?
A: We are a fraternity, a family, and a brotherhood. We look after our members and help them out with any problems that they have. If you cannot afford to be a member, we can usually work something out in terms of a payment plan that will allow you to pay your dues over a period of time, or when you have funds available. You can talk to our treasurer and work out something that specifically suits your needs.
We will not let financial issues get in the way of you becoming a brother! Once you are a brother, the Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation provides low-interest loans that can help pay for education and fraternity costs.
Q: Aren't Frats are all about partying? I won't fit in...
No! Although we do throw amazing parties, that is only a small portion of what it means to be a brother. Whether you are into academics, sports, theater, film, electronics, politics, travel, or a whole host of other activities, you will find brothers in AEΠ with similar interests. Not to mention that AEΠ members consistently achieve high GPA's!
Q: Will the fraternity hurt my grades?
A: Statistically, a greater percentage of entering freshman who join a fraternity graduate from college than do non-greek men. Also, the all-fraternity average is higher than the all-men’s average at the vast majority of colleges. Indeed, we recently won the award for the highest GPA in not only a fraternity, but all of Greek Life from the University.
Furthermore, we have a huge collection of past test, notes, and study materials for countless classes that you may be taking. We also receive a grade reports for all members from the Office of Greek Life, and if a student is falling behind in his studies we will require him to partake in the study program for that class.
Q: What if my parents do not want me to join?
A: There are several brothers in our house that have had similar concerns with their parents, and would be happy to talk to yours either on the phone or in person. If this is not sufficient, we can have parents of current brothers talk to your parents about the advantages of joining AEPi. It is also very possible that there are alumni of our chapter living in your area that would be more than happy to talk with you and your parents about any concerns that you still have. More often than not, parental concerns are put to rest after such conversations.
We know your parents might have a lot of questions about AEPi and fraternity life in general, so take a look at our here at our FAQ For Parents.
For the first week of every semester, Alpha Epsilon Pi holds a Rush in which we actively search for men who can add to the legacy that is AEPi. Rush is a time period in the beginning of each semester when everyone is welcome to come out to fun events to meet the brothers of our fraternity. It is an opportunity for you to get to know the brothers and for us to get to know you. Rushing a fraternity is not an obligation to join, but just an opportunity for you to come out and have a good time. Are you interested in becoming part of this legacy? If you would like to get more information on rush, please fill out the Rush Recommendation Form.
Q: How do I Rush?
We hold rush twice a year, once at the beginning of fall semester (August) and once more in the middle of spring semester (January). Simply come out to events, meet brothers and see for yourself what being in AEΠ is all about! Rush is open to all undergraduate students at San Diego State.
Q: Does it cost anything to rush?
Absolutely not. You are our guest and we're here to make you feel welcome and provide you with an awesome experience.
Q: If I rush, am I committed to pledging?
Rushing AEΠ does NOT mean you are committed to pledging. Of course, should we offer you a bid to pledge we would be delighted if you accepted, but in the end it's completely your decision.
Q: Does AEPi haze?
A: Absolutely not! In the late sixties and early seventies fraternities used to haze. However, when deaths occurred due to hazing, and college students would not stand for it, the practice disappeared.
Nationally, we are a non-hazing fraternity, and our chapter takes this very seriously. Risk management issues aside, we believe that hazing creates a negative atmosphere that ultimately defeats our goals of inspiring new members, fostering friendships, and creating great brothers. There is nothing accomplished through hazing that cannot be achieved though other more positive means.
As part of our pledge program, you are required to sign a contract agreeing that you will not allow yourself to be hazed, and that you will report any hazing that you see.
To read more about our hazing policy Click Here.
Q: What if I can’t afford to pay dues?
A: We are a fraternity, a family, and a brotherhood. We look after our members and help them out with any problems that they have. If you cannot afford to be a member, we can usually work something out in terms of a payment plan that will allow you to pay your dues over a period of time, or when you have funds available. You can talk to our treasurer and work out something that specifically suits your needs.
We will not let financial issues get in the way of you becoming a brother! Once you are a brother, the Alpha Epsilon Pi Foundation provides low-interest loans that can help pay for education and fraternity costs.
Q: Aren't Frats are all about partying? I won't fit in...
No! Although we do throw amazing parties, that is only a small portion of what it means to be a brother. Whether you are into academics, sports, theater, film, electronics, politics, travel, or a whole host of other activities, you will find brothers in AEΠ with similar interests. Not to mention that AEΠ members consistently achieve high GPA's!
Q: Will the fraternity hurt my grades?
A: Statistically, a greater percentage of entering freshman who join a fraternity graduate from college than do non-greek men. Also, the all-fraternity average is higher than the all-men’s average at the vast majority of colleges. Indeed, we recently won the award for the highest GPA in not only a fraternity, but all of Greek Life from the University.
Furthermore, we have a huge collection of past test, notes, and study materials for countless classes that you may be taking. We also receive a grade reports for all members from the Office of Greek Life, and if a student is falling behind in his studies we will require him to partake in the study program for that class.
Q: What if my parents do not want me to join?
A: There are several brothers in our house that have had similar concerns with their parents, and would be happy to talk to yours either on the phone or in person. If this is not sufficient, we can have parents of current brothers talk to your parents about the advantages of joining AEPi. It is also very possible that there are alumni of our chapter living in your area that would be more than happy to talk with you and your parents about any concerns that you still have. More often than not, parental concerns are put to rest after such conversations.
We know your parents might have a lot of questions about AEPi and fraternity life in general, so take a look at our here at our FAQ For Parents.